Text in [ ] is optional. Italics is user supplied value
!h save
Save a ship you are looking at
!h list
List all the ships in your hangar
Find things
!grids list
Find all grids you have ownership on in your current instance (DX). (Check GPS for location)
!ez hide Name
Hide gps with names that contain the
Name or special "
!ez show Name
Show gps with names that contain the input
Show static GPS markers
!nexus getsectors [true]
List all sectors in world, optionally save to GPS (Useful once)
Fix things
!fixship [“gridname”]
Fix the ship you are looking at or gridname supplied
/rts load
Fix bugs with speed display above/showing 500m/s
!entities refresh
Resyncs all entities for the player running the command
Respawn player at current location (Warning: backpack contents lost)
Faction and Alliance related
!meta list
List all alliances/corps
!meta info tag
Output info about a corporation
!fac search name
Search for faction
!fac info tag
Display a factions description
Show players faction tags (current instance only)
!blocklimit mylimit
List current player status
Count PCU of connected grids
!pblimiter status
Lists pbs and average runtimes owned by the player
!doesconceal [gridname]
Determine if grid will conceal if no player near
!nexus lobby
Sends you to the Medina Station lobby
Claim a shared grid (need ownership of 50% of functional blocks)
!eco deposit
Deposit money on-person or in looked at grid into bank acct
!econ top
See the richest players in the system
Vote, login, return to game once a day
Give reward if you voted today
Get an exhaustive list of possible commands (note: not all work)